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Open Doors

Open Doors is a longstanding project of the Federal Court in Minnesota, in collaboration with partners throughout the justice system. Over the years, Open Doors has brought hundreds of volunteer lawyers and judges into classrooms to teach students about the justice system, using mock trials and presentations regarding important historical events. Open Doors has partnered with dozens of teachers and administrators in schools around the state.


Open Doors (2021)

A Century-Old Injustice: Remembering the 1920 Duluth Lynchings


Cover letter & full packet of materials

Teacher’s Guide:

Option A 

Option B

Who’s Who

Suggested Student Projects

Discussion Questions

Resource List


Introduction of the History of the Duluth Lynchings, by Jerry Blackwell – video 

Discussion of the Max Mason Pardon, by Corey Gordon - video


Max Mason pardon application, letters in support, and the pardon certificate.


Max Mason Pardon Hearing – full video


Max Mason Pardon Hearing

Governor Tim Walz

Jerry Blackwell

Roiger Gregoire

Mike Tusken

Gov Walz Comments

Keith Ellison

Lori Gildea

Final Comments