The Administrative Office of the United States Courts collects and publishes detailed statistical data on the work of the federal courts. Click on the following links to access the information described below.
Annual Report of the Director: Judicial Business of the United States Courts
The most comprehensive set of detailed statistical tables published on the work of the federal Judiciary, plus charts and text explaining why increases or decreases occurred in the courts' caseload. Provides data for the fiscal year ending September 30 for the U.S. courts of appeals, district courts and bankruptcy courts; the probation and pretrial services system; and other components of the federal Judiciary. Judicial Caseload Indicators table compares the Judiciary's current fiscal year caseload to its caseload 1, 5, and 10 years earlier. Publications dating back to 1997 are available on line.
Federal Court Management Statistics
Provides statistical profiles for each of the 12 U.S. courts of appeals and 94 U.S. district courts–plus national totals for the appellate and district courts–for the fiscal year ending September 30. Presents data based on the number of authorized judgeships and provides rankings among the appellate courts and among the district courts. Compares current fiscal year data to data for previous five fiscal years. Publications dating back to 1997 are available on line.
Provides current and historical caseload statistics for the U.S. courts of appeals, district courts, and bankruptcy courts for the fiscal year ending September 30. Table 1.1 is a good source for judgeship information, including the total numbers of active and senior Article III judges (who are appointed for life), magistrate judges, and bankruptcy judges.
Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary
Prepared twice each year, with one volume reporting data for the 12-month period ending June 30, and the other volume reporting data for the calendar year ending December 31. Detailed statistical tables address the work of the U.S. courts of appeals, district courts and bankruptcy courts, as well as the federal probation and pretrial services system. Judicial Caseload Indicators table compares data for the current 12-month period to that for the same period 1, 5, and 10 years earlier. Publications dating back to 2001 available on line.
Click on this link to access the statistical reports page of the federal judiciary's website From this link you can also access electronic versions of publications, reports and periodicals published by the Administrative Office.